Saturday, August 24, 2019

august 26-29_2019

August 28

Class opening:

Open class site:

Open line art in Photoshop for grade

Save according to directions (below)

Today's classwork:

Standard: Create, organize, and
refine artwork
1. Show line and emphasis in your artwork

2. Color with paint bucket. Command + J before coloring.

3. Save correctly into your documents folder, as your first name and last name_line

Do today:

1. Turn in quiz

2. Continue Line Art assignment (see example below)
3. Color using Paint Bucket tool in Photoshop

August 26
Class opening:

Get your folder

Open class site:

Take quiz on paper, using all resources we have covered

Quiz review together

Today's classwork:

Standard: Create, organize, and
refine artwork
1. Show line and emphasis in your artwork

2. Color with paint bucket. Command + J before coloring.

3. Save correctly into your documents folder, as your first name and last name_line

Do today:

1. Turn in quiz

2. Continue Line Art assignment (see example below)
3. Color using Paint Bucket tool in Photoshop


Illustrate the art element "line"