August 28
Class opening:
3. Color using Paint Bucket tool in Photoshop
August 26
Class opening:
Open class site:
Open line art in Photoshop for grade
Save according to directions (below)
Today's classwork:
Standard: Create, organize, and
refine artwork
2. Color with paint bucket. Command + J before coloring.
3. Save correctly into your documents folder, as your first name and last name_line
Save according to directions (below)
Today's classwork:
Standard: Create, organize, and
refine artwork
1. Show line and emphasis in your artwork
2. Color with paint bucket. Command + J before coloring.
3. Save correctly into your documents folder, as your first name and last name_line
Do today:
1. Turn in quiz
2. Continue Line Art assignment (see example below)
1. Turn in quiz
2. Continue Line Art assignment (see example below)
3. Color using Paint Bucket tool in Photoshop
August 26
Class opening:
Get your folder
Open class site:
Take quiz on paper, using all resources we have covered
Quiz review together
Today's classwork:
Standard: Create, organize, and
refine artwork
2. Color with paint bucket. Command + J before coloring.
3. Save correctly into your documents folder, as your first name and last name_line
Today's classwork:
Standard: Create, organize, and
refine artwork
1. Show line and emphasis in your artwork
2. Color with paint bucket. Command + J before coloring.
3. Save correctly into your documents folder, as your first name and last name_line
Do today:
1. Turn in quiz
2. Continue Line Art assignment (see example below)
1. Turn in quiz
2. Continue Line Art assignment (see example below)
3. Color using Paint Bucket tool in Photoshop
Illustrate the art element "line"