Saturday, September 8, 2012

sept 17-21

ACT words 

Art fee....$5.00

LAW 8 assessment on Thursday

Today: Work in Photoshop

Scans will be uploaded to Edmodo. You will download your art from there for Photoshop. 

We will work on this together. 

Objectives, specifications, and criteria. Here is how you will be graded in Photoshop:
1. All shapes are closed for correct use of paint bucket tool (20 points)
2. Artwork exhibits the principle of design emphasis or center of interest (20 points)
3. Artwork shows repetition and pattern (20 points)
4. Craftsmanship and effort. (40 points). Is the project done to the best of your ability? Did you skillfully us the art tools and media? Did you follow the proper procedures or directions? Did you take your time to develop ideas and complete the project?

Monday, September 3, 2012

sept 4-7

ACT words 

Art fee....$5.00

LAW 6_test on Thursday

Art Criticism activity

Introduce LAW 8 next week

Today:Finish Collage

On 8.5 x 11 paper, sketch your collage design idea. Go over it with me.

Sketch your design onto pasteup board.  


Trace after pasteup

Scan tracing

Objectives, specifications, and criteria. Here is how you will be graded:
1. Collage contains a theme or concept that you are communicating. If you cannot decode on a theme, your collage could reflect your personality. (20 points)
2. Collage has at least 20 images. (20 points)
3. Collage exhibits the principle of design emphasis (20 points)
4. Image are pasted down flat, no edges curl up or are torn. (20 points)
5. Collage shows repetition and pattern (20 points)


Alternative to collage:
Pen and ink drawing of the tree/name assignment you did on 
Aug. 22. 

Scan it.