Saturday, October 27, 2012

paint bucket and gradient tool tutorial

Getting Started

Open Photoshop if it is not already open in the dock.

If you do not see the Photoshop icon, click on the Desktop to see the Apple menu.
Click on Go>Applications>Photoshop. Double click on the Photoshop icon.

When Photoshop opens, be sure your workspace is Window>Workspace>Design.

If you have artwork or a scan that has been uploaded to Edmodo, download it and drag it to the Photoshop icon to open it.

Save it onto the desktop into a folder with your name. Go to File>Save As and save it with your name and the assignment name.

Or you can open an existing document in Photoshop by dragging it to the Photoshop icon in the dock. 

For Photoshop help
Look at help topics in right hand column under the word help

With the document open in Photoshop, make a copy of the background layer.

Color in your art using the Paint Bucket Tool with the foreground color, the Paint Bucket Tool using Pattern, and The Gradient Tool.

Each shape should mostly be a different color, pattern or gradient. 

How to......................

Color shapes using the Paint Bucket Tool.
Use the graphic below. Click once on this image to enlarge it. After it is open, you can press Command + to enlarge it even more, Command - to reduce it, and Command 0 (that's zero) to go back to normal size. 

To put patterns into a selected area......
Using the Gradient Tool.....