Saturday, March 17, 2012

mar 19-23

March 21

Using pencil, get your 7 images onto your background. Fill the background using paint, colored pencils, collage.

How to get your images:
1. Draw them
2. Find them on the internet. Try
3. Work from magazine photos
4. You can use collage

How to get your images onto your artboard:
1. Draw them directly
2. Draw or trace them on tracing paper and transfer them.

March 19
ACT words. If they are late, your grade is zero.

Daily classwork is a zero if you are present and you do not complete the assignment.

Complete color sketch today. Your grade for this will be based on completeness. You should use at least 7 recognizable images in this portion of the assignment.

Use your laptops to research images using the internet. Look up Surrealism for ideas. Go to for images.
I also have image ideas posted on Edmodo.

You can also use magazines for image ideas and collage elements in your artwork.

Become familiar with on your laptops. We will use this for the digital portion of this assignment.