August 22
Alex and Jack Do today:
Continue Line Art assignment
Color using Paint Bucket
Be sure you have a computer assigned to you.
Be sure you have a computer assigned to you.
Be sure you have a computer assigned to you.
Be sure you have a computer assigned to you.
2. Color with paint bucket. Command + J before coloring.
Illustrate the art element "line"
Alex and Jack Do today:
Continue Line Art assignment
Color using Paint Bucket
Be sure you have a computer assigned to you.
Be sure you have a computer assigned to you.
Be sure you have a computer assigned to you.
Be sure you have a computer assigned to you.
1. Download your scan and open in
Illustrate the art element "line"
1. Determine the accuracy of your grades
in Infinite Campus
2. Determine what assignments you can make up.
Go to
Then do this:
Copy the information below on a piece of paper for a
daily grade. Print your name and block at the top of the
Come to me to discuss your grades if you feel I have made a mistake. Those with mistakes first. Be prepared to show me work I have marked as zero and that you have completed.
Grades 2019-2020
Quarter 1
Digital Art
1. Forms to take home and bring back with student and parent signature:
Graded as homework (10%) due no later than August 23
Grading policy
2. Daily classwork (no makeups unless you were absent)
Summative grade (90%)
Make a folder
“What is Creativity” drawing
Vocabulary work (sketches illustrating the meaning of words)
2 terms (grades) week of August 12 and 14
Line Drawing in pencil
Ink line drawing
3. Projects (makeup if you did not have access to computer)
Summative grade (90%)
Download an ink line drawing scan
Open one scan in Photoshop on a classroom Mac (counts 3 times)
Continue Line Art assignment
Color using Paint Bucket
1. Download your scan and open in
Photoshop. We will do this together.
2. Color with paint bucket. Command + J before coloring.
Line art assignment
Assignment objectives:
• Illustrate the meaning of the art element line, by
using a variety of lines and colors
• Use the entire space
• Illustrate the meaning of the art element line, by
using a variety of lines and colors
• Use the entire space