Tuesday, August 11, 2015

inspiration illustration_august 24_28

Watkins_September 2. 3A and 4A_SRA. Let me know now.

please, no headphones

clean up food and beverages

the assignment (instructions, specifications and criteria): 
Illustrate the meaning of the word “inspiration” visually, using both traditional media and digital media.

What I want you to know or do:

1. How to illustrate the meaning of a word or concept visually
2. Create visual art that communicates ideas through the use of media, techniques, and processes. 

1. Add background to communicate "inspiration"
2. Ink....be sure letters are either outline or thick
3. Be sure all shapes are closed
4. Erase pencil lines
5. Scan your inked drawing
6. Log in and bookmark digitalarthillwood.blogspot.com

7. Download

August 25 and 27............
8. Color in Photoshop, or
9. Color on paper


Standard 1.0 Media, Techniques and Processes
Students will understand and apply media, techniques, and processes. 
Course Level Expectations (CLEs)
The student will
1.1 Demonstrate the use of knowledge and technical skills in at least one specific medium. 
1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and responsible use of art media and tools. 
1.3 Create visual art that communicates ideas through the use of media, techniques, and processes. 
1.4 Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the application of media, techniques, and processes

used to solve visual art problems.

Electronic devices, including cell phones, are being stolen. They are your responsibility.

Food & drink 
No food and drink near computers

Thursday, August 6, 2015

first class _ 2015

a thought i like............


Seating chart and attendance

State standards

How the class works
1st 10 minutes_get folders and work in sketchbook/notebook or bell ringer 

Work on assignments

Last 30 minutes_ I will usually grade assignments
Clean up

Put folders up during last 5 minutes. Keep your sketchbook/notebook out until then.



Employability rubric

Safety rules

Tardies follow school policies_bring note from teacher or administrator if you have a reason for being late. 10 minutes late is a cutting class referral.

Food & drink 
No food and drink near computers

Food and drink permitted as long as room is clean. If not clean, a moratorium on food and drink.

Hall passes
Must have ID displayed

Emergency only - none for food and beverages

Visitors are not permitted in my classes without a written note from a principal. Visitors will be removed by campus supervisors.

Room layout, equipment, etc.

Bring signed forms and handouts back for grade.

What is this class about?

Make folders
Write your name and block on tab

Make sketchbook

Sketchbook examples

Illustrate ACT word

Begin Collages