Saturday, April 13, 2013

april 29-may 3_collage_traditional and digital

Assignment: Create two collages – a traditional collage made of magazine photos and pasted on an art board, as well as a digital collage that illustrates the meaning of a piece of literature you may have studied in your English class. 

Seniors are required to do only one collage, either traditional or digital.


Traditional collage, using magazine photos, glue and scissors 

Digital Collage, using Photoshop and words from poems from your English class


1.1 Demonstrate the use of knowledge and technical skills in at least one specific medium. 
1.3 Create visual art that communicates ideas through the use of media, techniques, and processes. 
1.4 Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the application of media, techniques, and processes used to solve visual art problems.

2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the principles of design. 
2.4 Apply problem-solving skills to create solutions to a specific visual art task.

What I want you to know (or do):
1. Create a traditional collage that shows good technical skills, primarily pasting and presentation. 
2. Show a strong center of interest in both collages.
3. Create a digital collage that illustrates the meaning of a poem you might have studied in English.

1. How do you show "good technical skills" in a collage?
2. How can you create a strong center of interest in an artwork?
3. When you have finished your digital collage, could someone look at the combination of your words and images and understand the meaning of the poem? 

For the digital collage:
Use Photoshop. Make the document size 11x17 inches, 200 resolution, RGB color.
Use photos taken by students in Ms. Hyatt's photography class, or use your own photos. Photos must be high resolution. 
Use the words from Tennyson's Tintern Abbey
Use at least 4 images in multiple layers.
Save the document as YourName_digital collage


for digital collage: 
how to create the collage in Photoshop

1. A folder with your name on the desktop
2. 4 photos in the folder
3. Tintern Abbey text in the folder

get the images for the digital collage
Edmodo B6 group

Download "Tintern Abbey"
get the words for the digital collage
Edmodo B6 group
or your own source of words, such as a quote, song lyrics, etc

Rubric for your grade

4_advanced_93-100 points.  A strong amount of work has been completed. All instructions & specifications met. A comprehensive and wide-ranging exploration of visual qualities, the representation of ideas, media experiments, and technical practice is demonstrated. The work reflects superior thought and imagination.

3_proficient_85-92 points.  A reasonable amount of work has been completed. Most instructions and specifications met. The work illustrates satisfactory exploration of visual qualities, and the representation of ideas. There is satisfactory evidence of work on images, media experiments, and technical practice.

2_basic_75-84 points. A small amount of work has been completed. Some instructions and specifications met. The work illustrates some exploration of visual qualities, the representation of ideas. There is some evidence of work on images, media experiments and technical practice.

1_below basic_74 and below. A less than adequate amount of work has been completed. There is little evidence of work on images, media, and technical practice.

0_No work attempted

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

digital self portrait or pop art portraits

Self Portrait

In this assignment, you will create a self portrait using traditional artwork (drawing, painting, collage, photography) or Photoshop.


Andy Warhol style

Pop Art link

Click here for an online tutorial:

                   or use the Cutout Filter


Be sure your photo is high contrast. That means strong shadows and highlights.

Black and white is best, but if not, we can convert it to black and white.

Be sure the photo is high resolution. 

Create a Photoshop document and place the photo in it. 

Go to Layer>Rasterize>Layer or Smart Object.

Important: Make a copy of this layer by pressing Command+J.

Go to Filter>Artistic>Cutout

In the Cutout window, play with combinations of Number of Levels, Edge Simplicity and Edge Fidelity until you get what you like. Sometimes this effect is even better if you Save, click on Filters>Artistic>Cutout again and keep the same settings.

Fill in colors with the Paint Bucket Tool. 

If you don't see the Tool Palette, layers, etc……

Your art will look best if you stick to one color for each Number of Levels you chose in the Cutout window. If you  have 4 levels,  just use 4 colors, one for each level. This example is 6 levels, edge simplicity 3, edge fidelity 1. 

If you are not getting color when you use the Paint Bucket, go to Image>Mode>RGB Color

Color the photo using the Paint Bucket.

When you get something you really like, go to File>Save or press Command+J again. You now have a new layer, and you can always go back to the earlier one.

Zoom in and out with the Zoom Tool, or, even better, go Window>Navigator.

If you make a mistake, go to Edit>Undo or go to Window>History and click back up toward the top of the window until you get back where you want. You can go back to the last 20 steps.


Standard 1.0 Media, Techniques and Processes
Students will understand and apply media, techniques, and processes. 

Standard 2.0 Structures and Functions 
Students will use knowledge of both structures and functions. 

What I want you to know:
1. How to copy photos into a Photoshop document
2. How to resize photos on layers
3. How to delete a background on a photo
4. How to apply a filter

links: In Edmodo, Photoshop group

Create a line illustration that represents you. This might consist of drawings, collaged words, images, etc.

Ink it and scan it or just scan it if it is a collage.

Your scans are in Edmodo. 

Take a photo of yourself in front of a plain background, one that you can cut out in Photoshop.

Combine the two in  Photoshop, repeating your photo on different layers.

Color the background in Photoshop.

Use filters on your photo.