Saturday, September 14, 2013

sept 23-27 photoshop color

Cell phones and electronic devices are your responsibility. Protect them if you use them for classwork. They should only be used for classwork.

Check your grades. All missing work (except safety exams) is due today, September 24. Missing = 50. No extensions.

Check your grades

  • sketchbook and daily assignments are due on the day assigned
  • may be made up only if absent
  • missing = 50

Where is Literacy Focus located?


Bookmark this address. At the Safari menu bar, go to Bookmarks>Add Bookmark>Bookmarks Bar. Click on the digitalart.hillwood link and bookmark it.

3. Join Edmodo if you have not       sezbt3

      4. From Edmodo, open your downloaded scan in Photoshop.
      Make a copy of the background layer. Use the paint bucket (or other tools) to add color.

      Note: If you do not have a scan (10 point deduction), use the "no scans" post image for your Photoshop assignment. Click on the image. When it opens, click, hold, and drag it to the desktop. 

      Introduction to Photoshop

      What I want you to know or do:

      1. How to open Photoshop
      2. How to create a new document in Photoshop
      3. How to set the default workspace
      4. How to save the document
      5. How to use the Paint Bucket Tool


      You can click on each image to make it larger.

      Scroll down to "how to create a new file and save it". Create a new file and save it according to directions. Save this assignment as "your first name & last name _intro to photoshop". For example "steve campbell_intro to photoshop". Save onto the desktop.

      Scroll down to "photoshop default settings".

      Set Photoshop to the Default Workspace by doing one of the following:
      1. In the top menu bar, go to Window>Workspace>Design (or Essentials).
      2. Reset the default settings: Quit Photoshop. Restart Photoshop while holding down Command+Option+Shift. Hold these keys down until you see a window that asks "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings File? Click Yes.

      Find Photoshop Basic Tools to guide you.

      Click on the Move Tool in the Tools Palette. Look in the top Options Bar. Right under the word Photoshop, check Auto-Select. Click the pull down menu that says Group and select Layer.

      Click and hold on the Rectangle Tool and select the Custom Shape Tool.
      Click and drag in your document window to create a custom shape. Press return.

      Click and hold on the Gradient Tool and select the Paint Bucket.

      Click on the Swatches palette. Leave it open to select colors.

      Click on the Zoom Tool. Look at the Options Bar. Are you zooming in or zooming out?
      Try both. If you zoom too much, go to the Options Bar and click Fit Screen.

      When you are zoomed in a few times, click on the hand in the Tools Palette. Click, hold and move the mouse.

      Go to Window>Navigator. Look at the Navigator Palette. A red box shows what you are zoomed in on. Try moving the box around.

      Click on the big mountain icon and the little mountain icon in the Navigator Palette. Take it to 300%. Take it to 100%.

      Zoom in again in the Navigator Palette and move the red box around while you are zoomed in.

      In the top Menu Bar, go to View>Fit on Screen.

      Save your document.

      Next, color your document.........
      Using the Paint Bucket Tool


      your grade

      Standard 1.0 Media, Techniques and Processes
      Students will understand and apply media, techniques, and processes. 
      Course Level Expectations (CLEs)
      The student will
      1.1 Demonstrate the use of knowledge and technical skills in at least one specific medium. 
      1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and responsible use of art media and tools. 
      1.3 Create visual art that communicates ideas through the use of media, techniques, and processes. 
      1.4 Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the application of media, techniques, and processes
      used to solve visual art problems.

      Standard 2.0 Structures and Functions Students will use knowledge of both structures and functions. Course Level Expectations (CLEs) The student will
      2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the principles of design. 
      2.2 Critique organizational components (structures) and expressive qualities (functions) of a work of art. 
      2.3 Evaluate the function of a work of art as to utilitarian or intrinsic purposes. 
      2.4 Apply problem-solving skills to create solutions to a specific visual art task.

      Sunday, September 8, 2013

      sept 9-13 photoshop


      Missing assignments become permanent 50's after September 23

       Literacy Focus

      1.Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

      2.  Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide and objective summary of the text.


      Bookmark this address. At the Safari menu bar, go to Bookmarks>Add Bookmark>Bookmarks Bar

      2. Join Edmodo       sezbt3

        Check your grades

        • sketchbook and daily assignments are due on the day assigned
        • may be made up only if absent
        • missing = 50

        Cell phones and electronic devices are your responsibility. Protect them if you use them for classwork. They should only be used for classwork.

        Also, for grade today:

        1. Trace over part of your collage 
            Use tracing paper and pens provided
            Close all shapes that you trace

        2. Scan your tracing for a grade

        sketch for 10 minutes

        Sketchbook examples

        Bookmark this address. At the Safari menu bar, go to Bookmarks>Add Bookmark>Bookmarks Bar

        Introduction to Photoshop

        What I want you to know or do:

        1. How to open Photoshop
        2. How to create a new document in Photoshop
        3. How to set the default workspace
        4. How to save the document
        5. How to use the Paint Bucket Tool


        You can click on each image to make it larger.

        Scroll down to "how to create a new file and save it". Create a new file and save it according to directions. Save this assignment as "your first name & last name _intro to photoshop". For example "steve campbell_intro to photoshop". Save onto the desktop.

        Scroll down to "photoshop default settings".

        Set Photoshop to the Default Workspace by doing one of the following:
        1. In the top menu bar, go to Window>Workspace>Essentials.
        2. Reset the default settings: Quit Photoshop. Restart Photoshop while holding down Command+Option+Shift. Hold these keys down until you see a window that asks "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings File? Click Yes.

        Find Photoshop Basic Tools to guide you.

        Click on the Move Tool in the Tools Palette. Look in the top Options Bar. Right under the word Photoshop, check Auto-Select. Click the pull down menu that says Group and select Layer.

        Click and hold on the Rectangle Tool and select the Custom Shape Tool.
        Click and drag in your document window to create a custom shape. Press return.

        Click and hold on the Gradient Tool and select the Paint Bucket.

        Click on the Swatches palette. Leave it open to select colors.

        Click on the Zoom Tool. Look at the Options Bar. Are you zooming in or zooming out?
        Try both. If you zoom too much, go to the Options Bar and click Fit Screen.

        When you are zoomed in a few times, click on the hand in the Tools Palette. Click, hold and move the mouse.

        Go to Window>Navigator. Look at the Navigator Palette. A red box shows what you are zoomed in on. Try moving the box around.

        Click on the big mountain icon and the little mountain icon in the Navigator Palette. Take it to 300%. Take it to 100%.

        Zoom in again in the Navigator Palette and move the red box around while you are zoomed in.

        In the top Menu Bar, go to View>Fit on Screen.

        Save your document.

        Next, get your scan.......
        1. Join Edmodo       sezbt3
        2. Download the scan file
        3. Save your scan before you color it

        Next, color your document.........
        Using the Paint Bucket Tool


        your grade

        Standard 1.0 Media, Techniques and Processes
        Students will understand and apply media, techniques, and processes. 
        Course Level Expectations (CLEs)
        The student will
        1.1 Demonstrate the use of knowledge and technical skills in at least one specific medium. 
        1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and responsible use of art media and tools. 
        1.3 Create visual art that communicates ideas through the use of media, techniques, and processes. 
        1.4 Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the application of media, techniques, and processes
        used to solve visual art problems.

        Standard 2.0 Structures and Functions Students will use knowledge of both structures and functions. Course Level Expectations (CLEs) The student will
        2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the principles of design. 
        2.2 Critique organizational components (structures) and expressive qualities (functions) of a work of art. 
        2.3 Evaluate the function of a work of art as to utilitarian or intrinsic purposes. 
        2.4 Apply problem-solving skills to create solutions to a specific visual art task.