Wednesday, October 17, 2012

aboriginal art assignment

1. Do this first. This is for a grade. Past Due

Preview of aboriginal art

2. Look at this link. Then sketch 3 examples of aboriginal art on paper or in your sketchbook. Past due

Aboriginal art examples

3. Sketch an idea or design for your own 21st century aboriginal art. Due today, September 16

What I want you to know or do:
1. Create artworks that have the appearance of "aboriginal art"
2. Fill the entire space with lots of repeated lines, dots, etc.
3. Have a center of interest.
4. Show pattern and motif.
5. Show lots of effort. 

The assignment

Create your own version of a 21st Century aboriginal art drawing. Try to use a main image or theme that has something to do with you or means something to you. If you like cars, a car could be your central image. If you love football, a football could be your main image.

You will be doing two versions of this art. One will be on paper, and colored using colored pencils or paint. The other will be scanned and colored in Photoshop.

1. Draw your art on an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper or board. You should probably outline it in ink for scanning.
2. Scan it.
3. Color it in using paint or colored pencils.
4. Color it in using Photoshop.
5. An option_You could do two separate pieces of art. One, 8.5 x 11 for scanning and Photoshop. The other, 11 x 17 or larger for coloring with paint, colored pencils, etc.

Complete this in ink. Scan it.
Color it in Photoshop.

Visual Arts Standards

Standard 1.0 Media, Techniques and Processes

Students will understand and apply media, techniques, and processes.
Course Level Expectations (CLEs)
The student will
1.1 Demonstrate the use of knowledge and technical skills in at least one specific medium.
1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and responsible use of art media and tools.
1.3 Create visual art that communicates ideas through the use of media, techniques, and processes. 

Standard 3.0 Evaluation
Students will choose and evaluate a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas.
Course Level Expectations (CLEs)
The student will
3.1 Demonstrate an understanding of symbols and their origins.
3.2 Evaluate subject matter that reflects personal experiences and environments.
3.3 Analyze selected ideas in a work of art.
3.4 Research and create a series of related work using a range of subject matter, symbols, and/or ideas.

Standard 4.0 Historical and Cultural Relationships
Students will understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures.
Course Level Expectations (CLEs)
The student will
4.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how historical and contemporary works of art reflect and influence societies and cultures.
4.2 Describe the function and explore the meaning of specific art objects within varied cultures, times, and places.      
 4.3 Investigate how history and culture have and will influence the production of art.