Digital Art
Grading Plan rev.
june 29_2019
How your grade is determined
Nine-week grades are determined by the following categories and
Homework 10%
Formative grades 0%
Summative grades 90%
Daily classwork: Many assignments are graded
on satisfactory completion of the daily assignment. Daily classwork assignments
are due on the day they are assigned. A 0 will be recorded if the daily
assignment is not done. Daily assignments may only be made up for excused
Projects: Assignments for projects
usually contain criteria and problem solving content encompassing the entire
range of cognitive abilities. The student will exhibit knowledge,
comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation in almost all
assignments completed for a grade. Evaluation is determined by the proper
execution of criteria contained in each assignment (Were all the specifications
& conditions accurately met? Are minimum standards and competencies exhibited?
Is the work professionally prepared and presented? etc.). Projects usually take
more than one class period and count more than daily assignments. Projects are
due on the due date. If project work is late and must be made up, the makeup
period may be extended to 2 class periods for a maximum grade of 80. A 0 will
be recorded if any assignment is not done.
I utilize rubrics, score sheets and checklists to determine the
numeric grade for most projects.
Signatures acknowledge understanding of this document.
Student Signature:___________________________________________Date:_________________
Homework: The purpose of homework is to help reinforce
what was taught in class. Sometimes its purpose is to gather extra information
beyond what was taught in class
Formative assessment: The goal of
formative assessment is to monitor student learning to
provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their
teaching and by students to improve their learning. Formative assessments are
generally low stakes, which means that they
have low or no point value.
Summative assessment: The goal of
summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at
the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or
benchmark. Summative assessments are often high stakes, which
means that they have a high point value.