Thursday, October 27, 2011

november 3

Hall passes: One per day for the class.

Your grade: This nine-week grading period, what you earn is what you get.

Keep new sketchbooks in a separate bin, not in your folders. Work in your sketchbooks when you are not working on assignments. For an "A", 18 pages (that's 9 pages front and back). These should be filled with sketches.

Due today:

1. ACT words. This should be on a new ACT sheet.

2. Timesheet for this week. Fill in every column for every day you were in class. If you were absent, write "absent" for those days. Dates are 10/31 and 11/3.

3. Finish, in ink, and scan the aboriginal art drawing. If you do not do this assignment, you cannot do the next Photoshop assignment as well.

Objectives for Aboriginal Art assignment:
1. The drawing should have the appearance of "aboriginal art"
2. Fill the entire space.
3. Have a center of interest.
4. Show pattern and motif.