Monday, January 30, 2012

jan 30_feb 3

Your grade:

ACT words
ACT words are due each week. Your grade will be a zero if you do not turn the ACT words in when they are due. You cannot makeup ACT words unless you have an excused absence.

If you are in the Art, Design and Communications (ADC) academy, you will submit your ACT word assignment through Edmodo, using your laptop. All ADC academy students must submit this assignment on line, using Edmodo. If you are in the ADC academy and you do not submit through Edmodo, your grade will be a zero.

If you are not in the ADC academy, you may submit this assignment on paper. You are encouraged to submit the assignment online as well. You could work with someone who has a laptop, or you could use another computer to submit the ACT words assignment through Edmodo.

Late work, if it is accepted, will be given a grade of 75% of what the original score would have been. If your grade would have been 100 if you turned it in on time, your late grade will be 75.

Electronic devices
Cell phones, portable music players, headphones, earbuds, and other electronic devices are not permitted.
The only exception is your school-issued laptop & ear buds, I believe. That means if you are using your school-issued laptop and ear buds for assigned work, this is this point in time. This could change if my understanding is incorrect.

Please bring a pencil to class. I cannot "loan" pencils. I'm just about out. You can also donate pencils.


1. ACT Words

2. Work on the Shape Drawing assignment.

Have a ...............
Range of values from black to grey to white
Center of interest

3. We will use a face for the next assignment.
Let me know if we need to scan and/or print a photo of you.

4. Sketchbooks

Sunday, January 1, 2012

jan 17-20

Your grade_update:

For now, we are no longer keeping timesheets. We may continue Timesheets later. Instead of Timesheets, I will give you a daily employability skills grade based on what you do in class. Here is a link to how that grade is determined.

ACT words
We will still do ACT words at the beginning of class, but there are changes.
If you are in the Art, Design and Communications (ADC) academy, you will submit your ACT word assignment through Edmodo, using your laptop. All ADC academy students must submit this assignment on line, using Edmodo. If you are in the ADC academy and you do not submit through Edmodo, your grade will be a zero.

If you are not in the ADC academy, you may submit this assignment on paper. You are encouraged to submit the assignment online as well. You could work with someone who has a laptop, or you could use another computer to submit the ACT words assignment through Edmodo.

Electronic devices
Cell phones, portable music players, headphones, earbuds, and other electronic devices are not permitted. This is a school rule.

If I see one of those items, I will ask you to give it to me.

If you give it to me, I will give it back to you at the end of class.

If you choose not to give it to me, or contiunue to break this rule, I will write a referral.

The only exception is your school-issued laptop & ear buds, I believe. That means if you are using your school-issued laptop and ear buds for assigned work, this is this point in time. This could change if my understanding is incorrect.


1. Join Edmodo to submit ACT words assignment using your laptop.


2. Work on the Shape Drawing assignment.
Have a ...............
Range of values from black to grey to white
Center of interest

3. We will use a face for the next assignment.
Let me know if we need to scan and/or print a photo of you.

We will not be using the CTE computers in this class for the time being.

split personality

Standard 1.0 Media, Techniques and Processes
Students will understand and apply media, techniques, and processes.
Course Level Expectations (CLEs)
The student will
1.1 Demonstrate the use of knowledge and technical skills in at least one specific medium.
1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and responsible use of art media and tools.
1.3 Create visual art that communicates ideas through the use of media, techniques, and processes.
1.4 Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the application of media, techniques, and processes
used to solve visual art problems.

Standard 2.0 Structures and Functions Students will use knowledge of both structures and functions. Course Level Expectations (CLEs) The student will
2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the principles of design.
2.4 Apply problem-solving skills to create solutions to a specific visual art task.

description of activity: In this assignment we will explore the potential of shape and color using a photo of a face. Create an artwork using a face from a magazine, tracing it (or drawing it) and altering it traditionally and digitally. Use lots of imagination and creativity.

assignment objectives:
Demonstrate an understanding of the art element shape and color.
Use media in a variety of expressive ways.

the assignment:

Find a face photo from a magazine.
Or better yet...............take a photo of you and use that.
Divide it vertically with an imaginary line.
Draw or trace over the face using tracing paper.
Trace in ink. Scan your tracing.
Transfer the tracing to paper or art board.
Shade one half of the face realistically in pencil.
Scan this shaded portion.

Add imagination, pattern, design, creative lines and shapes to the other half. Fill this in with colored pencil or paint. You must have at least 7 recognizable images or objects in this portion of the assignment.

Using the scan, use the airbrush and other tools in Photoshop  to create a digital image of the same face.