Seating chart and attendance
Make folders
Write your name and block on tab
Fill out personal info sheets for folders
State standards
How the class works
1st 10 minutes_get folders and work in sketchbook or bell ringer
Work on assignments
Last 30 minutes_ I will usually grade assignments
Clean up
Put folders up during last 5 minutes. Keep your folders out until then.
Employability rubric
Sketchbook examples
Tardies follow school policies_bring note from teacher or administrator if you have a reason for being late
Food & drink
No food and drink near computers
Food and drink permitted as long as room is clean
Hall passes
Must have ID displayed
Emergency only - none for food and beverages
If another teacher needs you during this class, bring a note from the teacher.
Room layout, equipment, etc.
Bring forms back for grade.
What is this class about?