Daily procedures
1.Literacy assignment
2.When I am giving instructions,
be in a seat
3. When I am giving instructions, electronic devices should be invisible
4. Do not interfere with instructions or disrupt class
5. Work on assignments
2.When I am giving instructions,
be in a seat
3. When I am giving instructions, electronic devices should be invisible
4. Do not interfere with instructions or disrupt class
5. Work on assignments
Computers & electronic
devices are for classwork
Turn in "take home" papers
Do Today: Traditional Collage
Do Today: Traditional Collage
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
HS1.VA.Cr1.A Formulate and develop creative approaches to art-making.
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
HS1.VA.Cr2.B Demonstrate awareness of the ethical implications and the use of images, materials, tools, and equipment in the creation and presentation of original work.
HS1.VA.Cr2.C Redesign an object, system, place, or design in response to contemporary issues.
HS1.VA.Cr2.A Make art or design without having a preconceived plan, using course specific craftsmanship.
HS1.VA.Cr1.B Investigate an aspect of contemporary life utilizing art and design.
HS1.VA.Cr2.A Make art or design without having a preconceived plan, using course specific craftsmanship.
Refine and complete artistic work.
HS1.VA.Cr3.A Apply relevant criteria to examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for a work of art or design in progress.
Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to artistic endeavors.
HS1.VA.Cn1.A Document the process of developing ideas reflecting awareness of personal experiences, interests, and art-making approaches.
Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context.
HS1.VA.Cn2.A Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and history may influence personal responses to art.
Assignment objectives:
1. Create collage that has a center of interest
2. Fill the entire space with images that you like
3. Spell out the word "photography" over the background images
What is a collage?
Traditional collage, using magazine photos, glue and scissors
Digital Collage, using Photoshop
and words from poems from your English class
Rubric for your grade
4_advanced_93-100 points. A strong amount of work has been completed. All instructions & specifications met. A comprehensive and wide-ranging exploration of visual qualities, the representation of ideas, media experiments, and technical practice is demonstrated. The work reflects superior thought and imagination.
3_proficient_85-92 points. A reasonable amount of work has been completed. Most instructions and specifications met. The work illustrates satisfactory exploration of visual qualities, and the representation of ideas. There is satisfactory evidence of work on images, media experiments, and technical practice.
2_basic_75-84 points. A small amount of work has been completed. Some instructions and specifications met. The work illustrates some exploration of visual qualities, the representation of ideas. There is some evidence of work on images, media experiments and technical practice.
1_below basic_74 and below. A less than adequate amount of work has been completed. There is little evidence of work on images, media, and technical practice.
0_50_No work attempted